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Sunday, December 28, 2008

China Started Construction of The World's Largest Radio Telescope

China officially announced that it started building a 500-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope which will be the new largest radio telescope in the world.

Telescope will be constructed in Guizhou Province and it's dish area will be as large as 30 football fields.

Chinese National Astronomical Observatory announced that this project will significantly improve China's capacity for astronomical observation.

The dish of the new radio telescope will be constructed of 4,600 panels.
Chinese FAST telescope will be 10 times larger than the Arecibo radio telescope which USA built in Puerto Rico.

Whole project which is prepared for about 14 years will cost $102 million and it is planed to be completely finished by 2013.

Beside scientific purpose, this telescope will be high sensitive radar that can detect and monitor satellites and space debris in Earth's orbit and can be used in military purposes.

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